Family ties

Blog written by Sarah Klapstein

If you've been following us for awhile you'll know that a many of our rescued babies each year come from a dairy that we have had a relationship with for years.  During that time we've gotten to know some of their goats and have developed some "family traditions" over the years, like getting the siblings of BGC permanent residents Nicky & Nitro each year.  Over the years we've taken in special needs animals, a group of young pregnant does and also a group of retirees from the dairy. 

One of those retirees, Yumi, much to everyone's surprise, was pregnant and gave birth to twins Keiko & YoYo just days after she arrived at the rescue. Her pasture mate was Ruby, a younger doe who was being retired due to injuries she sustained during kidding that year that left her with some mobility issues.  The family of 4 became some of our most beloved residents.  Last summer their perfect forever home came along, just a few miles from us.  The family then added calves Cupid & Swoosh and Oberhasli boys Emmett & Elliot.  And this past winter when the dairy reached out to us about Ruby's twin sister who had sustained similar injuries to Ruby after a miscarriage, they didn't hesitate to welcome Jewel to their family as well.

Fast forward to this past week...Yumi's one daughter still at the dairy was due to have her babies.  Last year we tired to get her babies but we couldn't.  This year, we tried again but they already had someone lined up to buy them.  That fell through a few days after they were born and we had the opportunity to save them.  What we thought would be 2 or 3 babies to end the season with this dairy became 7 unexpectedly and as full as we are, we knew we needed some help.  So we once again reached out to Yumi's family and they didn't hesitate to not only foster her grandkids but to more likely than not, be their forever home as well.  

So these two little loves will head home today to a family so full of love where they are sure to have the very best life.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad to see them go, Yumi has such a big space in my heart and I was set on doing everything we could to get those babies this year.  I loved them before they even arrived here Wednesday but this is the most perfect home for them.  Even though they don't get to be raised by their mom, they will get to be raised alongside their family 

Family ties tug at my heart strings.  We develop such bonds with some of our compels us to do all we can to bring their family members into our care as well.  The little boy, he's a mini Yumi and such a love bug and the little girl, she is the personality twin to Yumi's daughter Keiko.  In just a few short days they have already cemented a permanent place in my heart.  I can't wait to see them grow up alongside their family!
