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Contrary to popular belief, goats are actually very picky eaters. Learn More

An only goat is a lonely goat... Learn More
about puget sound goat rescue
Puget Sound Goat Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) registered charity in WA state. (EIN 80-064042) Each year, we rescue goats from a variety of situations where they are unwanted, mistreated, neglected or abused. The goats are cared for at the rescue until they are ready to be adopted into permanent, loving homes. Since its inception in 2001, PSGR has rescued over 3,000 goats, averaging 300+ per year in the last few years. Please note, because we are focused on helping the animals in our care, we are not open to the public for visits.
Adoptable goats
Helping goats in need
PSGR’s focus is on rescuing pet goats who are slaughter bound or emergency medical or neglect cases. We save goats from slaughterhouses, goats who are auction bound, and from a variety of other situations.